Sunday, March 22, 2009

Legal/Religious Query

Can I claim religious persecution if my employer chooses to have its annual wellness fair/weigh-in event during the week my tradition requires me to cleanse my kitchen of not-kosher-for-Pesach chametz, necessitating the consumption of large quantities of chips, crackers, cereal and pasta??? (okay, maybe my tradition doesn't technically require me to eat all the chametz but still . . . ) I don't notice St. Al's having their weigh-in the week after Christmas cookies, eggnog, fruitcake, goose, figgy pudding, etc. . . .


  1. Figgy pudding... talk about HIGH CONCEPT!

  2. thank you Paulet for beating me to the 'figgy pudding' comment, it was right where I was headed- I've never had it, but love saying it- it sounds cutely dirty- and there aren't many phrases that sound cute and dirty.

  3. OK I give up--is figgy pudding really something to eat and if it is what is it? I picture mashed up figs but why mash them up?

  4. No clue: but it's what we demand when we sing, "We Wish you a Merry Christmas." Have to ask a 16th century Brit.

  5. I emailed Sir Walter Raleigh and am awaiting a reply. I think I'll google it meanwhile.
